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COVID-19 update for carers in NSW

Fri, 18 Feb

Carers NSW is closely monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, the ongoing government response and the wide-ranging impacts it has on carers. Below is our latest COVID-19 information and resources for carers.

*Last updated 25 February 2022

Managing COVID-19 at home

While COVID-19 cases in NSW are decreasing, there remains ongoing transmission of COVID-19 in NSW. It is increasingly important for family and friend carers to prepare to manage safely at home if they or the person that they care for contracts COVID-19.

Carers NSW guide, ‘Managing COVID-19 at home: A guide for family and friend carers’ includes a range of downloadable resources, as well as information about COVID-19 testing, how to self-isolate safely, and dealing with the practical challenges of self-isolation.

Carers can download the guide along with other COVID-19 resources on the Carer Resources page of our website.

COVID-19 measures eased from 18 February 2022

On 17 February 2022, the NSW Premier announced that due to decreasing case numbers in NSW, COVID-19 measures will be reduced over coming weeks.

From Friday, 18 February 2022:

Density limits

  • Density limits will be removed (previously one person per 2sqm for hospitality venues).

QR check-ins

  • QR check-ins will only be required for nightclubs, and for all music festivals with more than 1,000 people. Hospitals, aged and disability facilities may use their existing systems for recording visitors.

Working from home

  • The recommendation to work from home will change and be returned to the employer’s discretion.

Further reduction of COVID-19 measures is expected next Friday, 25 February 2022. Carers NSW will continue to update the News page of our website as further changes commence.

Further measures eased from 25 February 2022

From Friday, 25 February 2022:


Masks will only be mandated in certain settings, including:

  • on public transport, planes, and indoors at airports,
  • hospitals, aged and disability care facilities,
  • corrections facilities, and
  • indoor music festivals with more than 1,000 people.

Each State Government agency will also review where it may be appropriate for public-facing staff to wear masks and will implement as necessary.

Masks are still encouraged for indoor settings where you cannot maintain a safe distance from others and for customer facing retail staff to protect vulnerable people who must access these premises and services.

Non-urgent elective surgery to resume

It was also announced on 17 February 2022, that from next week, hospitals and private hospitals across the board will recommence non-urgent elective surgery. However, this may not occur at the same rate or same level throughout hospitals due to ongoing staff furloughing

Staying safe as restrictions ease

Carers NSW understands that some carers may be concerned about the easing of COVID-19 measures while transmission in the community remains high. Carers NSW encourages carers to continue to take measures to minimise their risk of infection, including:

  • Get vaccinated and assist the person you care for to get vaccinated, if you are eligible and it is safe to do so
  • Wear a mask and have the person you care for where a mask if they can, especially when indoors or if you are not able to socially distance from others
  • If you are seeing family, friends or service providers, try to meet with others outdoors or in a well-ventilated area e.g. a large space with open windows
  • Maintain good hygiene, thoroughly washing your hands and any surfaces you come into contact with

Tailored information for carers

Carers NSW will continue to provide updates via the News page of our website and via our Facebook page. Resources developed by Carers NSW to support carers to manage the practical and emotional challenges of caring through COVID-19, are available on our Carer Resources page, using the search term 'COVID'.