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Become a carer representative

Carer Representatives are specially trained volunteers who are part of the Carers NSW Carer Representation Program. These carers use their lived experience as family and friend carers to speak up for the needs of all carers in NSW. Among other things, Carer Representatives may be requested for media interviews, public forums, focus groups, committees and policy advice.

Join the Carer Representation Program

Carers who are interested in becoming a Carer Representative are required to submit an Expression of Interest Form. The form will be reviewed internally and suitable candidates will be invited to undertake a mandatory, two-day intensive Carer Representative Training.

Please contact or phone Carers NSW to request an Expression of Interest Form.

Request a Carer Representative

If you would like to request a Carer Representative to participate in an event or activity, please email or phone Carers NSW. A two week notice period is generally required.

Carer Representatives balance their volunteer role with their caring responsibilities and other commitments such as paid work, so the availability of a suitable Carer Representative for a particular opportunity cannot be guaranteed.