For carers seeking employment
A carer is any individual who provides care and support to a family member or friend who lives with a disability, mental illness, alcohol or drug dependency, chronic condition, terminal illness or who is frail due to age.
The information and resources on this page aim to assist carers seeking employment to understand the steps they can take to overcome barriers and challenges that may arise during their employment search. This includes identifying skills, how they might relate to employment, the job application process, and preparing to enter employment.

Making the most of your caring skills
The Carer Career Guidance Project was delivered by Carers NSW in partnership with TAFE NSW between June 2022 and April 2023, with funding from the Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.
This project produced the following series of resources aimed at women carers aged 16-64 years living in NSW. The resources provide ways to understand how the skills carers gain from their caring role/s can be transferrable to employable skills, and how carers can phrase this in job interviews, cover letters and resumes when seeking paid employment.
Recognising your skills and strengths
Matching your skills to job opportunities
Communicating your skills and strengths
Resources and fact sheets
Below are some downloadable resources that may assist with preparing job applications and next steps.

Carers NSW is in the final phases of developing an online Carer Skills Matching Tool to help carers identify the transferable skills they have gained in their caring role.
The tool is designed to support carers who have taken a career break to communicate their skills to potential employers and to have greater confidence in the unique attributes and experience they bring to the paid workforce.
For more information about the Carer Skills Matching Tool, or to volunteer to test the Tool as a carer or employer, please email
Resumes, cover letters and interview preparation
Keeping your resume and cover letter up to date and competitive can be a challenge, especially if you have had one or more career breaks due to caring responsibilities.
It can also be daunting to prepare for job interviews if you haven’t done so before, or in a long time. There are many resources available to assist you.

Support with career direction
Whether you are returning to employment after a career break due to caring, or entering employment for the first time, it can be hard to know which direction to take.
There are many useful online tools to help you consider different career pathways. Some examples are included below. Set aside some time to browse one or more sites and take note of key words and role titles that you would like to explore further.

Online tools and resources
An overview of the key professional industries in Australia, their employment numbers, projected growth trends and popular occupations.
A place to find occupations that match your skills and interests.
Myfuture provides young people with resources to explore career pathways, and tools to develop self-knowledge to help with career decision-making.
Skillsroad helps young people explore career options, identify skills, and access support.
Jobs Hub contains information about entry-level jobs including prerequisites, tailoring your job application and interview tips.
The Australian Government Mature Age Hub provides resources to assist older Australians in their job search.
Your Career is a platform of the National Careers Institute, providing clear and simple information about industries, occupations, and careers.
seek offers information about different types of careers including what’s involved, trends, requirements and more.
A seek quiz to help discover career options that might suit you.
Job Jumpstart offers practical tips to help you tailor your job search.
The Return to Work Toolkit brings together a range of trusted online resources to help women find reliable information on entering or re-entering employment, upskilling or starting a business.
Personalised support
Carers NSW provides personalised career guidance and career pathways support for women carers in NSW.
Careers NSW provides personalised support from a careers practitioner or industry expert about your goals and how you can achieve them.
Dress for Success offers free virtual consultations with an HR or recruitment specialist.
Jobs Academy participants gain access to a suite of self-paced resources, workshops and development opportunities throughout a year-long, virtual program.

The Aged Care Workforce Project
Carers NSW is working with a number of partner organisations to create resources that support family and friend carers to obtain employment within the aged care sector.
The following resources have been developed as part of the Aged Care Workforce Project, and may assist carers who are interested in pursuing employment in aged care.
Benefits and challenges of working in aged care for carers – A resource to help carers understand the benefits and challenges of employment in the aged care sector.

Matching caring skills and interests to aged care roles – A resource to help carers understand how their skills and interests may align with career pathways in the aged care sector.

5 things carers should know about working in aged care – A resource to help carers learn more about employment in aged care.

Short term vs. long term employment in aged care – A resource to help carers understand the short-term and long-term benefits of a job in aged care.

Pathways to employment in aged care – A resource identifying the ways carers may enter employment in aged care.

Upskilling or reskilling
Whether re-entering an industry or trying a new one, upskilling can be important to make an application competitive. Explore the short courses and programs below for assistance finding the right training opportunity for you.
A course providing foundational skills and a supportive learning environment designed to meet your needs.
A range of certificates and qualifications to help you develop study skills, move into further study or prepare to enter employment.
Eligible students of the Adult Migrant English Program can take part in the Pathways to Employment Program to assist with the transition to employment in Australia.
Programs to assist those who are unemployed, underemployed, or facing barriers to employment.
Industry Skills Accelerator micro-credentials can help you take the next step in your career and prepare for jobs in the future.
A range of short courses to further your knowledge and gain qualifications.
A range of short courses with a variety of pacing and delivery options.

Financial support
Many carers may face financial barriers when considering re-entering employment. The programs and scholarship opportunities listed below may be able to offer financial support.
Carer support programs
The following programs can offer financial support to assist with the costs of reskilling and upskilling:

Carer Gateway – Practical support for all carers (including counselling, peer support, respite and more).

1800 422 737 (Monday to Friday, 8am-5pm local time)

Young Carer Bursary – A bursary for young carers, aged 12-25 years, to assist with education needs and resources.

Grants and scholarships
Scholarships for eligible young people aged 15-30.
Features universities offering scholarships in NSW.
Scholarships to support students to relocate for study.
Grants for students in a range of medical areas of study.

Income reporting responsibilities
Some carers who are seeking employment may also receive an income support payment from Services Australia, such as Carer Payment. It is important to be aware of your income reporting responsibilities and how your hours of work may impact your payments.

Services Australia – Information about the payments, supports and financial options available to carers, as well as how to report income.
Welfare Rights Centre
Economic Justice Australia

Practical workplace readiness
Some employers require formal qualifications or checks to ensure their employees meet the safety and security standards of the organisation. Some examples of these are provided below to enhance practical workplace readiness.

Clearance checks
A mandatory check for all workers over the age of 18 employed in a child-related work environment.
This is a summary of a person’s offender history in Australia. An NPC may be required for some job, licensing or registration applications.
A mandatory check for workers delivering supports or services under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) within NSW.
The following workplace certifications may be useful or required depending on the role you are applying for.
Financial support
Prospective employers may cover the costs of some clearance checks and certifications. However, carers may also be eligible for financial assistance for employment checks and certifications through Carer Gateway. Use the contact information below to connect with the Carer Gateway Service Provider in your region and find out more about what is available.
Carer Gateway – Practical support for all carers (including counselling, peer support, respite and more).

1800 422 737 (Monday to Friday, 8am-5pm local time)

Connect with us

You can raise issues or concerns about an experience you have had balancing employment with your caring role by filling out the Carers NSW Policy Advice Form below.
This information is used to inform our policy work, including writing submissions and providing feedback to governments on key issues affecting carers.